Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

 "Marketing stimuli consist of the Four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion." from textbook page 137.
"Facebook's use as a job-recruitment tool remains small, but its appeal may be growing. Some recruiters say they have all but eliminated their spending on job boards, which can charge a few hundred dollars per job posting, depending on volume." from The Wall Street Journal article Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like by Joe Light.
Facebook uses the four ps when they use the workers to sale there product. They put a $100.00 dollar price on the job boards. "In addition to posting jobs and videos of current employees on its Facebook page, the company has recruiters and other employees find user groups and join discussions." The Wall Street Journal Recruiters Troll Facebook for They Like article by Joe Light. They used their employees to promotion their site. Though the videos that Facebook post of their employees . Facebook uses the internet as the their place to sale the site.  "Online social communities blogs, social networking Web sites, or even virtual worlds where people socialize or exchange information and opinions." from the textbook page 142. Facebook use their web site to get the word out about their social media site. "The majority of social-media traffic to Waste Management Inc.'s careers website comes from Facebook, beating out LinkedIn, said Jenny DeVaughn, manager of social media and employment branding." The Wall Street Journal article Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like by Joe Light. Facebook also use Waste Management Inc a job website to found new employees. ''Two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals." from the textbook page 141. Facebook joined with Monster Worldwide Inc. so both business could make a lot of money.

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